Palomares House & Park
The Palomares House and Park, home of the FLC Headquarters, is located at 1815 South Stage Coach Lane across from Dinwiddie Preserve.
Palomares House, built in 1888 by the Palomares Family, is one of the oldest houses in Fallbrook. The area around the house was originally part of Rancho Monserate. In 1874, the Rancho's land was divided among the heirs of Ysidro Alvarado. His daughter, Lugarda de Palomares, received a 4500 acre parcel and built a complex of ranch houses, of which only the Palomares House remains.
Ranching and a Christmas tree farm are among the past uses of the property and surrounding land.
In 1990, the house and surrounding 1.5 acres of land were donated to the FLC by Otis and Linda Heald, Al and Flo Pinamonti, and Vince and Joy Ross. The house has been restored and a beautiful park now fills the rest of the property with an arboretum, wildlife sculptures and a memorial tile path through lovely gardens. More details on the history of the Palomares House can be found at the Fallbrook Historical Society's website.
The Palomares House gardens were renovated in 2022 with funding from the County of San Diego Watersmart Rebate Program and SoCalWater$mart. Non-native, high water use lawns and hedges were replaced with easy to grow, drought tolerant California native plants that provide habitat for wildlife, especially pollinators. Plants are irrigated with low-flow emitters by a weather smart irrigation controller and soil moisture is retained by sheet mulching (a layer of cardboard or newspaper covered with mulch). Gutters funnel rain into rain barrels, which overflow into rain gardens that allow the water to sink into the ground. Berms along the fence line prevent runoff from flowing into the street. FLC Volunteers generously gave their time to do most of the renovation work.
A list of plants used in the garden can be found here.
Memorial Tile Path
If you're interested in purchasing a memorial tile in the park to honor a loved one, click here for more information.
Wildlife Sculpture Garden
Take a visual tour of the Wildlife Sculpture Garden at the Palomares House, a collaboration between the Fallbrook Land Conservancy and Art in Public Places. The Fallbrook Land Conservancy’s Wildlife Sculpture Garden is dedicated to featuring wildlife native to California. It presently has nine life size sculptures, ranging from a mountain lion to a covey of quail. The sculptures have all been acquired through donations. We hope you will join us as we continue to add to what is already one of the outstanding collections of native wildlife sculptures in Southern California.
Scroll down for maps. Download the Palomares House & Park trail map here.
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