Environmental Education
Save Our Forest presents an environmental education program in cooperation with the Fallbrook Unified School District. Each year, five schools in the district participate in the program, which is presented in two phases. The first year, fourth grade students hear a brief presentation in the classroom, which includes the following:
- The benefits of trees and shrubs in providing a more healthful environment.
- The importance of conserving water by planting native and drought tolerant plants which can be beautiful.
- The importance of giving back to your community.
The students then learn to plant seedlings in one-gallon containers that are nurtured and maintained in the SOF nursery. The following year, these same students, now fifth-graders, travel to a preserve or other location in Fallbrook to plant the native plants.
Thank you San Diego County Employees' Charitable Organization for the generous grant funds to purchase new tools for the Environmental Education Program!